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Survival strategies for shopping businesses during and after Covid-19

We all are trying to adjust to a new normal. Retailers are quickly adapting current strategies to reach a massive shift in shoppers’ behavior and product demand. It means attempting to make your digital channels and campaigns more operational with the temporary closure of the stores. As well as staying extremely sensitive to theclients’ needs, hardship and fears – all while continuing to supply the best brand experience possible.

Many people are shopping online in the pandemic than ever before, and there is no sign of this trend to stop even after the pandemic is over.Following points provide the maximum convenience to customers as to how to keep your marketing efforts tactful, alive and effective at this time.

Retail Marketing Strategies to Prioritize During COVID-19

Sensitivity is vital – Many people are struggling because of the loss of revenue and the severityof the situation as a whole. It is important to be aware of and empathetic to this and focus on the requirements and sensitivities of the customers. Most of the customers might see online shopping as a welcomed escape from reality, so don’t completely pause on all the promotions and campaigns, however do make adjustments. Contact us for retail marketing and eCommerce Services

Site traffic will stay to spike – With social distancing and closing of the store, and making online shopping a necessity, you might see an unprecedented amount of traffic to your website and to the app. This is the most significant time to make sure you have a way to appropriately identify all the visitors without waiting for them to create or log into their accounts.Collecting your buyers’ cross-channel data and e-mail addresses will make surethat you understand each visitor’s activities and involve with them in a suitable way. This helps you to message them based on their interests and channel preferences and ensuring that new as well as existing customers continue to shop with you for long even after covid-19 settles.

Leverage in-store data to move customers online-The people who only buy products in-store; launch dedicated campaigns that introduce them to online and loyalty paybacks, inform them on the perks of linking with you digitally, and cross-sell or suggest items that are similar to or match their latest in-store purchases. Refill campaigns are also a great way to remind the customers that the consumable products and perennial favorites which they previously bought in-person can easily be refilled online.

Offer convenience with website personalization – Your site is your storefront and first impression for new visitors at this time. Make sure it is as up-front to navigate as possible, with the most essential information they require. Use web pop-up as well as geo-targeted modals to showcase critical and well-timed messages around store closings, safety, inventory, new hours, etc. Use website alterations to feature a high-interest product or category upon a visitor’s return to your website,making it easier for them to pick up where they left off.

Launch product alerts to combat the inventory issues – Product alerts are a simple yet extremely effective way to informthe customers about the essentials they need. Price drop, low inventory and back in stock detection permits you to quickly target the customers who have interacted with particular products, based on viewed, carted, purchased and wish list activity, and automate high-conversion messages.

Keep an eye on customerswish lists – Some customers might not be spending money now, so theysaveit to their wish list to buy later. Identify the audiences who have saved items in particular categories or brands and let these customers know when the products are on sale.

Consider amping up the mobile push – Your customers are most connected via mobile phone at the moment. Hence push notifications could be a perfect tactic to present your younger audiences, particularly who are open to this sort of brand communication. The key here is to be aware of your audience’s likings and multichannel activity, also take into consideration the messages you are sending to these clients on other channels and dial those down, making the communication as relevant as possible. Connect us now for your Digital Marketing needs.