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Effective Customer Retention Strategies

Customer retention is outlined as a company’s capability to retain its clients over time. It is a percentage-based metric that evaluates the number of consumers who are retained by the end of certain period.

Customer retention strategies

Following are some examples of several retention strategies achieved by different brands:

  1. Inspire with a Mission – In his wonderful book- Start with Why, Simon Sinek describes that the distinction among a good as well as a great corporate is that a good corporate sells its products/services, whereas a great one sells its idea. And it isn’t the service or product that the people get attached to or pay a premium for, it is what the product stands for.
  2. Start Customer Education Program – It shows your duty to your clients for the long-run. A lot of brands are schooling their clients by initiating knowledge bases, walkthrough videos and discussion forums. Some famous brands also offer certifications and courses for studying about their products/services. SEMrush is a major example of this. They not just provide courses for their offerings however also general marketing content which assists clients outside their offerings.
  3. Use Subscriptions – Consumers re-purchase if they are getting special treatment over the one-time buyers. Subscription-based model is a major part of any of the service providers. The entire SaaS industry which provides subscriptions is above $208.1 billion in size.
  4. Customer Surveys – Send your clients a speedy online survey to benefit a better vision into what is working, and what is not. You can never please every consumer on every issue, however surveys can aid you recognize patterns you have missed. A great survey should have a combination of multiple-choice questions & free text answer fields to permit the consumer to express their thoughts thoroughly where required.
  5. Use Gamification – It is an extremely effectual & pleasant approach to acknowledging your dedicated customers for remaining loyal to you. Customers may get a discount for advising friends, redeemable points for every transaction, or a badge as a symbol of a milestone. Different types of gamification approaches comprise:
    1. Loyalty programs
    2. Scavenger hunts
    3. Referral contests
  6. Target Abandoned Carts – Target Cart abandonment is a serious issue that all industries face irrespective of their nature or size. Recuperating them is a necessity.
  7. Reward your loyal clienteles – Starbucks Rewards revamped the loyalty programs universally by concentrating on cost decrease. It has turn out to be an inspiring customer retention strategy for several businesses.
  8. Apologize for your mistakes – Mistakes ensue in business, no matter what. Whether it is a data breach, a billing problem, an outage, etc., a mistake could put you at stake of losing esteemed customers if you do not address it correctly.
  9. Thank your customers – To thank your clients is an obligation for each and every business. But to take an effort to acknowledge your customers, outside of email campaign or a client purchase goes a good way towards creating a remembered brand.

Angular Vs. React: Which one to choose for your Web App?

Angular 2 is an open-source framework mostly used to create web apps, single-page web applications, & hybrid apps. Angular is made on TypeScript, maintained and developed by Google. It is a complete tool kit that has everything designers need to make large-scale applications. No wonder it increases popularity: leading industries, such as Xbox, BMW, Forbes, and a lot more select Angular over React for the front-end development.

Projects built with Angular:

  • Samsung Forward
  • Forbes
  • Microsoft Office Home
  • BMW Driveaway Price-Calculator

ReactJS or React was established by Facebook as front-end Java-Script library to build user interfaces (UI). It uses a declaratory style of programming to explain the UI state. React permits the programmers to figure-out how their application will look for users as well as how they will interact with it. React is even used to build web apps, and native-rendered apps, and also mobile apps.

Angular vs React.js – Tech Side

Performance & DOM – Both Angular and React are great for the front-end development. Plus, they do uniformly well when it is about building large-scale applications. However, there is a huge difference between Angular & React. React.js use virtual DOM (Document Object Model – permits accessing & changing the document contents, structure and layout). Whereas Angular 2 functions on real DOM.

Data binding – Data binding is synchronizing data between UI and business logic. The distinction between Angular & React.js is that Angular 2 uses both one- & two-way data binding; altering data impacts view as well as changing view triggers alterations in data. React uses one way binding. One-way data binding makes the code steadier, as well as also makes debugging an application build with React vs Angular app much easier. Still, the one two-way binding of Angular is easier to work with & makes the framework more adaptable.

Component Architecture – Generally, both React.js and Angular come with strong ecosystems. React is easy to grasp, however it needs multiple integrations such as Redux to use its potential completely.

Bundle size – The smaller the file, the quicker it loads. The sooner it loads, the higher the ranking will be and, eventually, the conversion rate and margin. Angular resolves this problem by not comprising the whole bundle of Angular framework in user’s app. For ReactJS, it is the use of webpack, tree shaking and dynamic imports that decrease the size of the bundle.

Backward Compatibility – The probability to update architecture for adding new libraries and modules is significant for every developer. React is a library, and has complete backward compatibility. You can add diverse releases of libraries to the app as well as update the old ones. Hence React is considered better than Angular.

If you plan to stepwise improve the project by adding innovative features, React could be the best choice because it has an absolute backward compatibility.

How to run an effective loyalty program

One of the biggest worries to hear from merchants is limited time. If you are worried that you won’t have much time to accomplish an effectual loyalty program, following are some tips to balance the minutes you spend with getting the best out of a loyalty program.

1. Set-up automated emails – One of the greatest things a loyalty program does, is to assist you be linked to your customers amid purchases. Though, unlike many marketing campaigns, loyalty emails can perhaps look after themselves. Emails such as welcome sequences, reward available reminders and points balance updates normally have far higher open & click through rates rather than other marketing emails, since they are more individual and personalized. They can even be fully automated so that you can fix them up, and then let them run in the background till you have little more time to tweak them.

2. Make clienteles part of your marketing crew – If you make your customers a bigger part of your marketing, they might do some acquisition work for you. By encouraging customers to give reviews and refer family and friends, you can push more authorized traffic to your website that is more possibly to convert. Referred clients normally have a higher lifetime value also.

3. Use the loyalty program to power your current marketing – One great way to manage your loyalty program is to work it in your other marketing plans. Rather than an individual activity, it could be used to add weight and power to things you are already investing time & effort into.

4. Classify the metrics that matter – Choose the metrics that are most important to your loyalty tactic today. Early on, that could be the no. of members you have, as well as how their standard order value compares to the non-members. This will aid you to understand if your plan is rising, as well as if adding intrinsic value. While you develop the program, you can adapt this to how many endangered clients you have, & how consumer lifetime value is growing. By concentrating on one or two system of measurement before trying to report on each and everything, you would be able to check the victory of your program rapidly and easily. You will even find it simpler to know when variations need to be executed.

UX Design – Best Practices for Ecommerce web portals

UX in an eCommerce Store – UX design for e-Commerce stores (web + mobile applications) is a gateway to get into your target spectator’s head. Make sure to offer them a spontaneous, simplistic, logical, and thrilled shopping experience. Be it eCommerce mobile application development or eCommerce web development, UI/UX design plays a significant role. UI emphases on getting users’ first attention with imaginative design. However, UX wins their hearts by offering them with smooth app experience they want.

Following are some eCommerce store factors’ to consider for UX:

1. User Interface – Although UX design plays a fundamental role in the accomplishment of any software, it is unfinished without User Interface (UI) design. Basically, UX adds final touchups as well as puts the soul in the UI design. The best eCommerce User Interface must have clear branding all over its landscape with publicity enablement’s. It will support your business partners for using your branding essentials to showcase their affiliation with your brand & vice-versa for you.

2. Clear Homepage Layout – Your E-Commerce platform’s homepage plan is the first imprint on the users. Its placements for deals and brands, search bar, contact info and profile define how real the user experience it will generate.

3. Useful Product Detail Pages – It might show several details, such as:

  1. Product images from diverse angles
  2. Product title
  3. Prices, discounts and limited-time deal with countdown offer
  4. Product color and size range segment
  5. Pin code for a delivery time estimate
  6. Product Descriptions about its style & main use, color, material details, etc.,
  7. Bank & Payment card offers
  8. Call to action: Add to Cart or Buy Now
  9. USPs of eCommerce platform, such as 7 days return/exchange plan, 100% authentic products, etc.
  10. Related product grids
  11. Ratings and reviews
  12. FAQs

4. Simple & direct checkout pages – Online Shops checkout procedure is same as checking out from the offline stores that provide home delivery. It asks for the info such as contact details, payment details and adding address, validating the cost with applied discounts and offers, then making the payment to ultimately place an order.

5. User Profiles – This is the home of a customer from where the customers can edit their personal information, like user name, category interests, user bio, wish list, premium points, payment information, etc. Some eCommerce websites also permit the users to make the profile public and be an influencer for their brand.

To improve the eCommerce UX for better conversions; take and implement clients’ feedback regularly, improve website speed, enhance navigational UI UX design, receptiveness in nature and ease in the checkout procedure.

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web applications are all about proposing features similar to that of typical native apps on a browser. It’s an app that works on a web browser. Technically, PWA’s grant entree to open web know-hows to render cross platform interoperability. Progressive web applications offer the spectators with an app-like functionality & experience that is modified for their devices.

The idea behind the thought of progressive web apps is to offer the users with access, be it any device (since they are using it on the browser). Popular Companies using Progressive Web Applications are Pinterest, Uber, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, Trivago, Forbes and more.

How Progressive Web Applications are different from Native Apps?

Native apps are self-contained plans that persist with smartphones only. PWAs are websites with the feel and look of an app to provide a bespoke experience to users. It is vital to recognize what makes PWA a PWA; following points will show how these web apps are different from mainstream native apps:

1. Responsiveness – Progressive web apps run on the browser & the browser can be opened from every device, be it a desktop, smartphone, tablet, iPad and all others. When the progressive web application is established, the matter of responsiveness is considered on a prior note so as to when the operator is trying to approach your Progressive web app from any device, he should have a smooth experience.

2. Flexibility – The most significant factor of progressive web application is that their boundary is not only up to smartphones, they are reachable on every platform. That is the reason PWAs are a secret ingredient for improved user engagement since they have a specialty to be able to work on all sorts of operating systems or browsers.

3. The factor of connectivity – Progressive web applications allow the users to discover the same with the app independent of connection. This is feasible by caching the application data before time. This procedure is executed with service workers. Service worker provides a programmatic method to cache resources. Thus, while developing a Progressive web application, the aspect of internet connectivity must be kept in mind, not every customer will have facility of a strong internet connection. Therefore, PWAs should be reachable with low connectivity also.

4. Keep the application feel intact – Progressive apps are about providing an app-like feel on the web. So, it is essential to not let it lose the application like experience when you are in the procedure of developing a Progressive web application.

Progressive web apps are safe as they follow HTTPS protocols like any other site or web app. Apart from that, as they are available through web browsers, Progressive apps benefit from all the modern safety qualities built into web browsers too.

Progressive Web Apps for ecommerce and its future

With the onset of Progressive Web apps, many organizations have started using this technology to offer a captivating user experience & connect to the specific audience more quickly. Therefore, PWA development services are turning to be more popular in various industries.

The eCommerce business is one such sector that is gaining the advantages of the game-changing Progressive Web apps technology. After all, it signifies further growth in mobile-driven industries. The Progressive Web apps platform assists eCommerce brands emphasis to improve the user experiences. It permits brands to grow three times faster than an eCommerce site.

How Progressive Web Apps are useful for eCommerce Stores-

The advantages of Progressive Web apps for eCommerce industries are innumerable. PWAs make the online purchasing experience extremely smooth, following are the reason how PWAs can rule as well as change the outlook of mobile-commerce:

1. Saves Time & Cost of Development – As Progressive Web apps architecture rests on recyclable codes, developers might use them over & over again. Whereas, to create an app you need different code for another platform. Moreover, your app should achieve particular needs to get an approval from both platforms’ critics.

2. Amazing Marketing Scopes – Search engines are making slight alterations to their voice-based searches. Similarly, sellers must also fine-tune themselves. Progressive Web apps is an amazing SEO approach that an application can’t manage though it is accessible on the app stores. As Progressive Web apps is a site in the native form, it automatically improves searchability.

3. Bridges Gap among Customers & Merchants – With a PWA, users do not have to download an application. Thus, it lowers the cognitive load that operators normally encounter when undergoing the app downloading procedure. Having a lot of apps on the mobile phone makes it slower, jamming the phone. Therefore, mobile-driven businesses are turning to Progressive Web apps more swiftly.

4. Offline Functionality with Service Workers – Cache & service worker APIs are USPs of Progressive Web apps. Service workers work in the background & are responsible for attaining cache elements & sending notifications.

5. Flexibility and Responsiveness – The flexibility & responsiveness of PWAs may impact your choice. Progressive Web apps have a responsive design. Therefore, no matter which gadget you are using, your site’s design must fulfil with its resolution & size.

6. Automatic Updates & No App-Store Charges – In a Progressive Web app, automatic updates work like a routine website update wherein all updating procedures occur at server end. And this allows the end-operators to have an updated website app. A Progressive Web app helps you refrain from the pointless costs without impacting your site’s visibility.

7. Secure Payments – Security is one of the rewards PWA offers the eCommerce businesses. People certainly choose the concept of online shopping. Because of the combination of Payment Request API with the browser, buyers can practice secure as well as fast payments. There is no checkout form in this payment system, and this assists the consumers finish their purchase instantly.

Commencing with PWAs is the best choice for eCommerce industry that needs to rise mobile conversions. As the online biggies are using Progressive Web apps to rule the industry, it is essential for every mobile-driven business to seize this opportunity. Thus, this is incredible news for every eCommerce trade owner.