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Cross-platform App Development- Using React Native or Kotlin

React Native & Kotlin are two of the foremost cross-platform development tools used by the developers to create robust mobile apps.

React Native

Originally released on 26th March 2015, React Native is JavaScript framework. The developer’s community, i.e., Facebook formed React Native for writing real, native mobile applications for Android & iOS besides recycling codes across mobile & web apps. It figures user interfaces that are perfectly designed for mobile platforms. React Native aids developers to build truly native mobile applications with the help of their classic favourite, JavaScript.

  • Supported Platforms: React Native supports iOS 8+ versions & Android 4.0.3+.
  • Special Benefit: React Native serves high-code reusability among platforms. Furthermore, the RN developer community has created a huge number of libraries which can be used by the developers as building blocks, so boosting the development procedure.
  • When to Use: Opt for React Native while you are willing to have a common code for web, desktop or mobile.
  •  Pricing: Since React Native is open-source, creators can hire it free of cost.


Developed, designed, as well as sponsored by JetBrains, Kotlin is programming language. It works on JVM. It was when Google recommended Kotlin as the authorized language of android studio, that it began gaining popularity constantly. Kotlin is devoted to building the finest IDE tools.

In addition, it offers outstanding support in a distinct development environment such as an Android Studio. When you select Kotlin for your business application development, you can aid your developer advance support across numerous IDEs and tools needed to create your Android project. Kotlin holds an extremely clear codebase. It is brief and precise, thus leaving very few probabilities of potential errors & facilitating stable code in creation.

  • Supported Platforms: Being an android companionable language, Kotlin can run unbelievably across all iOS 8+ & Android versions.
  •  Special Advantage: Since Kotlin is not a software development equipment but an all-purpose programming language, developers don’t need to port the whole app to it.
  • When To Use: Perfect for android app development.
  •  Pricing: Its free of cost

Speaking about performance, React Native provides a native-like experience to the developers. It enables developers to build apps with the help of native modules & JavaScript. It is fast, scalable & delivers a native feel as well as looks on both platforms, i.e., iOS and Android.