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HTML5 vs Native apps pros and cons

Native apps do not run on the web browsers. Native apps are specific and platform dependent. For example Android and iOS. These are built in a specific Integrated Development Environment (IDE) only. These apps could be downloaded from their own stores i.e. Apple App Store for iOSor Google Play Store for Android. Native apps are generally built by the programming language that best suits and is recognized by that platform. Native Apps are the most popular types as the users mostly search for the apps first in their smartphone’s store.

HTML5 Apps are also known as Web Apps. This is because an HTML5 mobile app is a web page which works like any other app. HTML5 apps can work on diverse mobile platforms. For HTML5 Apps there is no software development kit for a developer to work with. There are frameworks & templates available for developing the web apps like React, Angular and Vue.js.

Is it “HTML5” or “Native Apps” or a mixture of both (that could be termed as Hybrid)?  To know and draw a conclusion, here is a comparison over the two:

  1. HTML5 stands for Open standards and there is no Proprietary control on apps created by HTML5;whereas the Native Apps for mobile are totally controlled by App stores and markets like GOOGLE and APPLE. This might disturb the open-source philosophy of the many apps.
  2. HTML5 apps are less in performance if compared to native apps, since their performance may depend on some issues like the speed of internet connection and other concerns.
  3. Compared to HTML5 implementations Native apps are better in performance, because they can directly work on function of the device itself, for instance, Camera GPS can be directly invoked by Native Apps.
  4. Unlike Native Apps which are provided with one-time buying options, HTML5 apps are generally concerned towards ADS for selling,(these apps are mostly free).
  5. When compared to the Native Apps, User Interfaces(UI) build through HTML5 are fragile and less spontaneous for some app deployments.
  6. Different from its counterpart, HTML5 has been often condemned for not having the essential level of DRM (Digital Rights Management), to support all the multimedia services that it needs to.

Choosing the most appropriate technology for app development depends on a number of factors, such as app features, time-to-market &UI/UX requirement etc.

How Does An ERP Software Deliver An ROI (Return On Investment) For Your Business?

If there is one system that a lot of companies implement today is the ERP. Enterprise Resource Planning is a system which automates core business functions like inventory & order management, accounting, customer relationship management, human resources, manufacturing and others. These functions are integrated into one system thatincreases the company’s effectiveness and productivity significantly.

How ERP implementation is helping businessesto grow:

Investing in operational ERP has been a priority of businesses ever since. With the massive number of companies counting on an ERP, it is certainly a system worth investing in.

1. Cost-Efficiency – By integrating the essential functions of an industry into a one, enterprise-wide system, an industry is able to simplify its disordered processes, thus saving a lot of money. It eliminates the requirement for an independent system for every department, therefore the amount of cost & time associated with training more users for different systems is also eluded.

2. Efficient Data Sharing – It permits its users to upload, edit, as well as share critical data with other key persons in the corporation. This seamless data sharing abilityincreases the quality not just of the deliverable,however the communication between the employees too. A more distinct work collaboration in the business makes every output more accurate and on-point.

3. Improved Productivity – Using an obsolete resource planning module to run a business is not only costly but also damages the productivity level of your staff. With ERP Software, your staff will not just experience a more well-organized system, their outlook towards the task will also change, growing their productivity level in the procedure.

4. Agile Decision Making – Many successful business nowadays knows that ERP software is an important tool not only to expand operational productivity but also as a main resource when making important business decisions. A lot of current ERP software today letsyou access even the most significantdata in real-time through cloud technology. Cloud-enabled ERP systems are not just more cost-effective, but also allows small companies to track their key metrics & analytics real-time.

5. Greater Supply Chain Visibility – ERP software can aidhugely with supply chain management to large as well as small businesses that have to deal with shipping. It will give businesses better understanding into their supply chain processesso that owners can make informed decisions so as to stay ahead of their contenders. Issues rising in the supply chain can be swiftly notified and stopped with the help of the system.

6. Happier Customers – Customer fulfilment is a major fuel to keep any corporate running, the best way to do that is by giving standard services involved towards them. ERP implementation in your industry can help you guarantee customer satisfaction in numerous ways.

We provide the best ERP software at Razorse Software. Our team of professionals would help you select the right ERP system for your company & analyze the ROI it is going to get you when the project goes live.

Other than ERP based custom enterprise software development, our custom loyalty program software also help you to improve the RoI.

The Best Manufacturing Software for Your Small Business

The Best Manufacturing Software for Your Small Business

Discovering the right manufacturing software for a small business is important to productivity and success for several reasons. It can assist you transform your supply chain by providing automation, visibility and control as never before, aiding you swiftly scale your brand and enhance your existing systems without a massiveexpend. Certainly, your business could value from an ERP (enterprise resource planning) software, which can help you simplify many aspects of your company in a single program.

Investing in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software can assist organizations bring together distinct activities under a solo integrated application, thus streamlining processes and growing agility.  Multi-faceted ERP software use a unified database that significantly speeds up the response time to clients, increases operative efficiency and guarantees customer success.

Reasons to switch to an ERP Software:

It streamlines and simplifies – Offering an actual view of all your major processes under one system, an ERP platform simplifies &streamlines many of your company’s tasks. For many companies, this means rationalizing from various software solutions to a single one that keeps all your main functions under one roof. It also generates a central, company-wide hub that needs only one software training for all the departments.

It delivers Real-Time Data – Analytics are significant to any business that want to adapt to the ever-changing requirements of the customer and the industry. One best thing about a good ERP is that it tracks data through several departments that you perhaps now treat as distinct entities, providing you with detailed analytics in order that you can tweak as required to get the best possible result.

It boosts customer service – One important thing that many small businesses notice when starting with an ERP is precision and accuracy. Since you have thorough visibility of inventory, supplies, development, planning, shipping and more, there is a much lower risk of mistake and dissatisfied customers. The right ERP software can offer you with exact, automated order tracking for a pleased consumer base, along with accurate inventory updates.

It decreases costs – An appropriate ERP can save you money by decreasing error, keeping clients happy, stopping inventory excess or deficit, tracking expenditures and write-offs and decreasing operational expenses by automating and checking all of the company’s finances.

It helps nurture your business – Towards the end, growing companies requires more of everything, comprising labor, warehouse, time, space and marketing. Many manufacturing software solutions work a lot to augment what you already have and add space for more. For instance, the right ERP could support you take benefit of your warehouse space with the purpose to store more goods without having to spread your facility’s footmark or capitalize in more storage. In brief, they are all planned for mounting and scaling businesses.

How to know you need an ERP System

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a type of business management software. An ERP solution offers an integrated set of applications that manage business procedures. Together, these apps aid manage the operations and track business resources such as cash and raw materials while allowing effective supply chain management.

Why an ERP system is important:

ERP suites usually offer a complete accounting and financial management program. Itnormally contain CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools along with data analytics & visualization/reporting abilities.

If you are meticulous& diligent about your industry, it runs pretty well even without an ERP software. Certainly, a lot of profitable fears work fine with the least Information Technology inputs. But, every corporate could run better and be more lucrative. With that in mind, here’s a guide to aid you assess your risks as well as measure the prospect of implementing a great-fit ERP:

Reasons to implement an ERP system:

  1. You rely on manual handoffs between accounting & operations – Does your team have to use email or paper to transferthe information from operations to accounting? An ERP system incorporates accounting and operations managing software, getting you out of this manual task.
  2. You are using spreadsheets to examine your business data – reports regarding sales growth, order statuses and so on are created on Excel. ERP has rich data analysis tool that work in real time.
  3. You are adding excessive staff as you progress – This is anindication that your knowledge worker output is lagging. Ideally, the staff headcount in operations &accounting management should rise at a lower rate than the revenue growth. ERP facilitates greater output through automated workflows and process transposition between systems. ERP systems can also aware you about issues happening in your business.
  4. You have got additional inventory on hand – Inventory ties up cash. If you have more stock, work in progress or finished goods inventories that you need, it is a signal that you lack the means to measure and track inventory efficiently. ERP delivers real time detail on inventory and the capability to set the quantity or dollar limits, with warnings for circumstances where the limits are surpassed.
  5. Your cash cycle is increasing – ERP systems gives you better real time visibility into payables, orders and receivables, allowing you to get ahead of cash deficits before they are noticeable as problems.
  6. Your client satisfaction is falling – Late deliveries, faults in orders and so forth are taking your clients away. Yet, you are not aware of it till it’s too late. An ERP system reports this problem in 2 ways. First, better order management as well as oversight of delivery & service helps you avoid client issues. You will get notified when there is a problem. Second, an integrated CRM system allows you involve more deeply with the clients and enjoy more positive and growth-oriented relationships.

If you are facing any of these indicative signs of ERP need, you might want to talk to us. We have broad experience assessing a company’s necessities for ERP and then executing the right ERP solution.

impact of covid-19 on e-commerce

Impact of Covid-19 on the e Commerce Market in India

2020 was a challenging year for many. But at the same time, ecommerce developed like never before.It appears that many ecommerce companies saw their online revenue risein the worldwide lockdown in the spring of 2020.

The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic has shown the development towards the growth in sales through e-commerce sites. The lockdown rules all through the country restricted the people to get out of their houses and even for necessary goods. This gave rise to a surge in the use of many online portals for buying all types of products, ranging from basic items to branded ones. The strict rules like social distancing that were compulsory for people to follow to contain the surge of Covid 19 improved the scope of online purchases.

Various online businesses were started seeing the rise in demand for such portals. Several surveys show that more consumers have gone online to look for vital products. Some reports showed that the Indian e-commerce site is expected to reach its US counterpart to turn out to be the second-largest market for e-commerce in the world in coming years.

Products related to groceries, restaurant deliveries, pharmaceuticals, health, and hygiene products observed the largest growth in the Covid-19 crisis through online marketplaces. Customers avoided going out until they don’t have any alternative to purchase the product online.

There was a lack of efficiencyin the lockdown which resulted in people losing their jobs; businesses were shut, people experienced pay-cuts and amid all that there was just one platform that flourished, and that was e-commerce. A lot of people shifted their businesses online to get their sales back on track and they were successful also in doing so.

To avoid contact with people and to follow the social distancing rules, there was a rise in e-payments. People chose for cashless transactions to evade the spread of coronavirus. Some of the key elements that drive the development of e-commerce markets comprise steady growth of internet users and increasedalertness related to online shopping, growing online launching of products, and low prices on bulk buying.

The lower prices of goods because of direct distribution channels further contributed to the development of the international e-commerce market. Staying at home and social distancing pushed the customers for online shopping.

Now businesses have become more likely to use e-commerce services. Some businesses have taken the opportunity to acquire new skills to increase their online presence. Businesses have now moved forward with digital distribution plans. To guarantee a well-organized e-commerce experience for the customers, policymakers need to know their customers. They must foster the enabling environment for online transactions in areas that comprise digital goods and services.

In spite of all the bad things happening because of the outbreak of the coronavirus, economically 2020 was not bad for a lot of ecommerce companies as they only need an online delivery app for their business to complete the received orders.

App Store Optimization: Top Key Metrics to Monitor

App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of improving the app visibility in the app stores and growing app conversion rates. The main app stores are App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. Besides ranking high in the app store search results, ASO also emphases on click-through rate (CTR). This signifies to persuade people to click into the app store listing once they find it. You can do so by optimizing your App Name, App Icon,App Title, App rating and App Screenshots.

As soon as people click through your app store listing page, you mustensure they also download it or make a procurement. This part of ASO is known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

Why App Store Optimization is significant for app growth

More than 5 million apps are accessible to download from the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. It’s very much expected that your app is facing a lot of tough competition.The main goal of App Store Optimization is to increase downloads as well as the number of loyal users. The first step of maximizing downloads is to make your app easily found by the right users. To understand how to enhance your organic growth, you first have to recognize how people are searching for and discovering apps.

Keyword Rankings & Impressions

A key metrics that would impact your app and its visibility are the keyword rankings in additionto their movement. Declared keywords define the searches that your app can possibly appear in, while their movement shows how your ranking for each keyword changes during time. You can use ASO software to track the keyword movement and understand how it relates to your other metrics and the alterations you make.

With a change to keywords deployed, you need to know if more users are seeing your app. Watching the impressions metric allows you track the number of people who are able to see your app.

What impacts impressions

Because of the significance of keywords for impressions, you need to optimize your metadata. By doing so, you can aim hundreds or even thousands of keywords. The more keywords you productively target, the more possibility it is that a user will be able to discover your app when they locate the store. This can help grow your overall impressions from the search.

Impressions can also change because of traffic from other channels, like featured lists and paid user acquisition. While Apple states that a lot of users discover apps through search in the store, it is always imperative to separate traffic by specific sources to get a better understanding of the whole performance.If you want to make sure that your app and its optimization are performing well, you must monitor the metrics. This can aid you classify where you are succeeding and find areas to progress upon further.

By knowing precisely what was changed and keep observing on keyword ranking, impressions, conversions, crashes, reviews and uninstalls, you can continue to increase visibility, download, and user experience. Updates to your App Store Optimization based upon these key metrics can keep driving sustained long-term growth.