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Security Measures to be followed for Android App Development

In today’s world where people are leading a digital lifestyle, safety of mobile app is among the most prominent fears. From transfer of the funds to investments, people are using mobile applications for an extensive range of reasons. Business houses have also integrated personalized applications to improve their marketing mix & customer assistance.

However, malware attacks & ransomware continue to be a risk to the operators. A survey reveals that more than 35% of communications which mobile devices send are not encrypted. This signifies that over one third of data transferred by the mobile device is exposed to risk. Thus, Android app developers do safety tests often, to keep the apps safe and foolproof.

Best Practices for the Android App Security

It is very important for business firms to keep their Android applications safe. Following are some safety features that can assist you bridge the safety gaps.

  1. Keep the Native Code Secure – For keeping the native code safe, Android application developers must use Software Development Kit for mobile app development. When native code is integrated in the development procedure, the app gets the data on the network. This can even come from files or an Interprocess communication, which could be exposed to safety factors. Hence, you must keep the native code protected by using Android SDK in the development procedure.
  2. High-level Verification – Most developers now depend on multi-factor validation. The sensitive info remains safe through a strong session management & a disconnected system. You must prioritize the significance of setting-up the superior authentication device, using tools such as JSON web token or OAuth 2.0. This guarantees an additional safety in the Android app.
  3. Code Obfuscation – Through the android application development course, the source code is required to be secure. Thus, the developers must make it unintelligible for both the decompiler & humans. Throughout the compilation, the whole operation is required to be conserved. The procedure of obfuscation provides a code which is impenetrable. It leverages the level of privacy for the intellectual assets & stops reverse engineering. In the procedure, it increases the safety of the Android apps.
  4. Encrypt the Data – Safety in mobile applications includes keeping all types of info stored in the device safe. It encompasses the information that is passed through the back-end server as well as the app & the source code. Encrypting the data is the most efficient safety practices for the android mobile app safety. This will keep vital info from being stolen by the hackers.
  5. Securing the Server – Nowadays, the server remains susceptible to hackers. They repeatedly try to attack API of the server. This denotes that you should keep the server & API protected to keep off attacks.
  6. Protect Transit Data – It is imperative to keep the transit data secure. You should be active with your guard mechanism. For example, finding of getaway need to be advanced & the access control must be status-based.
  7. Regular Testing & Updating – A statistic reveals that majority of Android devices use Android version which are old by a minimum of two years. This specifies that over three quarters of devices are in danger. You need to know that hackers use the flaws and weaknesses in software.