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Web 3.0: A New Era of Technology for Business

Web 3.0, also called as the third-generation internet, is next progression of the World Wide Web. It offers a data driven Semantic Web employing a machine-based learning of data with the purpose of developing an intelligent & connected web experience for the users.

The Web of today is static/still and incompetent to adjust to individual requirements of every person experiencing it. Web 3.0 guarantees to be more dynamic as well as interactive. By executing artificial intelligence & blockchain skill, it will redefine web experience with fundamental changes to guarantee democratization across all the aspects of internet.

In Web 3.0, data is kept securely and spread across various devices, eliminating the requirement for centralized servers. Such a design decreases the risks of huge data leaks since data is not any longer centrally stored – making it more resilient to compromise.

Following are the main features that can aid define Web 3.0:

  1. Semantic Web: The next progress of the Web includes the Semantic Web. It improves the capabilities of web know-hows to create, share & connect content through search & analysis by knowing the significance of words rather than by numbers or keywords.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: By combining the semantic capabilities through natural language processing, laptops can understand info on an individual-like level to deliver quicker and more appropriate results. By doing this, they become more intellectual and better fulfil the requirements of the users.
  3. 3D Graphics: Three-dimensional plan is used broadly in websites & services in Web 3.0. Computer games, museum guides, geospatial contexts, eCommerce and more are all common instances of this.
  4. Connectivity: With Web 3.0, data is more connected because of semantic metadata. Consequently, user experience grows into a new level of connectivity leveraging all accessible information.
  5. Ubiquity: Internet content & services can be retrieved anywhere at whatever time through any number of devices, rather than wholly via smartphones and computers. Web 2.0 is already universal in many ways, however the development of IoT devices will take it to next levels.
  6. Blockchain: With this technology, user data is secured and encoded. This prevents big companies from controlling or using users’ private data for their benefit.
  7. Decentralized: Decentralized data network store data in a peer-to-peer interconnection. Users sustain tenure over their data & digital assets as well as are able to log-in safely on the internet without being traced.
  8. Edge Computing: Web 3.0 trusts on the development of edge computing where apps & data are managed at the network edge on the devices such as laptops, mobile phones, appliances, sensors & even smart cars.

Progressive Web Apps for ecommerce and its future

With the onset of Progressive Web apps, many organizations have started using this technology to offer a captivating user experience & connect to the specific audience more quickly. Therefore, PWA development services are turning to be more popular in various industries.

The eCommerce business is one such sector that is gaining the advantages of the game-changing Progressive Web apps technology. After all, it signifies further growth in mobile-driven industries. The Progressive Web apps platform assists eCommerce brands emphasis to improve the user experiences. It permits brands to grow three times faster than an eCommerce site.

How Progressive Web Apps are useful for eCommerce Stores-

The advantages of Progressive Web apps for eCommerce industries are innumerable. PWAs make the online purchasing experience extremely smooth, following are the reason how PWAs can rule as well as change the outlook of mobile-commerce:

1. Saves Time & Cost of Development – As Progressive Web apps architecture rests on recyclable codes, developers might use them over & over again. Whereas, to create an app you need different code for another platform. Moreover, your app should achieve particular needs to get an approval from both platforms’ critics.

2. Amazing Marketing Scopes – Search engines are making slight alterations to their voice-based searches. Similarly, sellers must also fine-tune themselves. Progressive Web apps is an amazing SEO approach that an application can’t manage though it is accessible on the app stores. As Progressive Web apps is a site in the native form, it automatically improves searchability.

3. Bridges Gap among Customers & Merchants – With a PWA, users do not have to download an application. Thus, it lowers the cognitive load that operators normally encounter when undergoing the app downloading procedure. Having a lot of apps on the mobile phone makes it slower, jamming the phone. Therefore, mobile-driven businesses are turning to Progressive Web apps more swiftly.

4. Offline Functionality with Service Workers – Cache & service worker APIs are USPs of Progressive Web apps. Service workers work in the background & are responsible for attaining cache elements & sending notifications.

5. Flexibility and Responsiveness – The flexibility & responsiveness of PWAs may impact your choice. Progressive Web apps have a responsive design. Therefore, no matter which gadget you are using, your site’s design must fulfil with its resolution & size.

6. Automatic Updates & No App-Store Charges – In a Progressive Web app, automatic updates work like a routine website update wherein all updating procedures occur at server end. And this allows the end-operators to have an updated website app. A Progressive Web app helps you refrain from the pointless costs without impacting your site’s visibility.

7. Secure Payments – Security is one of the rewards PWA offers the eCommerce businesses. People certainly choose the concept of online shopping. Because of the combination of Payment Request API with the browser, buyers can practice secure as well as fast payments. There is no checkout form in this payment system, and this assists the consumers finish their purchase instantly.

Commencing with PWAs is the best choice for eCommerce industry that needs to rise mobile conversions. As the online biggies are using Progressive Web apps to rule the industry, it is essential for every mobile-driven business to seize this opportunity. Thus, this is incredible news for every eCommerce trade owner.

Risks and Solutions while using QR Codes

QR codes are extremely common today, enough that the attackers are discovering ways to use them for profit.Quick Response (QR) codes are two-dimensional barcodes used to permitthe users to access data or web-based resources (URLs).

While the technology might have originally been unnoticed by the West, QR codes become more commonly used in 2020 because of the Covid-19 outbreak.Businesses, governments and other administrations turned to the technology as a way to track social movements.Governments in US, Europe, and Asia also used QR codes as part of the coronavirus track-and-trace systems.

QR Code Security Issues

1– First, hackers can inject your phone with malware. This direct approach needs nothing more than an unsuspicious employee or consumer to scan a QR code out of interest leading to an infected site. Just by visiting an infected site can activate a malicious download. One instance of how they can deliver this attack method is by sending the QR code in an email that seems to be genuine and hence attracting the user to scan it.
2– Second, the attacker leads you to a phishing website to steal your credentials or to achieve access to your private info on your mobile device. Phishing sites can be difficult to detect. They use a related-looking Universal Resource Locator (URL) to a confidential site. Another approach is by changing the domain extension. For instance, they change the “.org” to “.com.” Other times, there is a small change in the spelling of an URL that so hard to differentiate that it tricks the user. When the user visits the phishing website, username/login credentials are demanded. After the attacker has your log in, they can access your accounts, see private information, make changes and cause irreversible loss to your company name.
3– Third, cybercriminals can print-out free encoding tools on the internet to make the QR codes. They print the QR code on adhesive paper and place it over a valid QR code, or they can mail a malicious QR code to an unsuspecting customer.
4– Fourth, there’s always the danger that an attacker finds a bug in a code reader application that could end in the exploitation of cameras or sensors in phones or other devices.

Solutions toavoid QR Code scams:

Users have numerous ways to reduce the risk of QR code scams and security issues.

1– If anyone seems to send a QR code, connect with the supposed sender and enquire if they sent it.
2– Watch for URL-shortened links appearing after scanning the QR code, which could hide malicious URLs.
3– Organizations: Position a mobile defense solution that blocks the phishing attempts, exploits, phone takeover and unlawful downloads.
4– Embrace multifactor verification in place of password access to the applications and cloud resources.

It is very important nowadays to cover all your bases when it is about mobile data security. Defending against pervasive and rising malicious QR codes must be on top of that list.

Know more about QR code based applications with us.

Dashboard design principles & best practices

Dashboards are a powerful and a unique way to present data-based intelligence with data visualization techniques. The significance of a good dashboard design should not be understated, poorly designed dashboards possibly will fail to convey valuable information and insights and also make the data less understandable than it initially was.

A dashboard helps administrators and business leaders to track significant KPIs or metrics and take verdicts based on it. The dashboard design is significant. A dashboard is generally an outline and often a one-pager. It can contain tables or charts or views that are backed by data. The purpose of a dashboard is to offer a well-organized solution for forming and presenting data in a clear and a direct manner. It is a public-facing page where the users can access and evaluate their data. Dashboard design principles-

1-Your dashboard must deliver the significant information in about 5 seconds. Your dashboard must be able to answer your frequently asked business queries at a glance. If you are scanning the information for minutes, this might specify a problem with your dashboard’s visual design. Display the most important and considerable information at the top, followed by the momentous details that assist you to understand the overview; and at the bottom you have background and general information that will cover much more detail and let the viewer or reader to dive deeper.

2– Each dashboard must contain no more than 5-9 visualizations. You can avoid visual chaos by using hierarchies and filters or just by breaking your dashboard in two or more separate dashboards. Selecting the right visualization is the key to ensure your end-users know what they are looking at. When designing a dashboard, you also need to keep in mind who will be the end-user of dashboard in the first place.

3– Another valuable dashboard layout principle is to start with a big picture. The key trend should be noticeable at a glance. After revealing first overview, you can continue with more comprehensive charts. Group the charts by theme with the similar metrics positioned next to each other. This analytics dashboard practice will allow you to display your data in the most meaningful way as well as clear to the end-user.

Great dashboards are clear, intuitive and customizable-

1-They communicate the information quickly.
2-They display information efficiently and clearly.
3-They show trends as well as changes in data over time.
4-They can be easily customizable.
5-The most important widgets and data components are effectually presented in a limited space.
6-All crucial information is instantly accessible.
7-Data is ordered and prioritized.
8-Information is clearly displayed in a visual order on one screen.
9-The design offers a clear overview that comprises sparse and clear initial data with other opportunities to drill down for more.
10-Elements (chart, form, and table) are displayed in a minimalized view with the skill to bring up more facts in a modal window.
11-The design improves usability with filters letting the users to modify how data is shown as well as filters the content using categories, labels, and KPIs.

If you need further guide on these points please visit our page Custom Content Management System page or call us at 7011221090

Why is custom ERP development the fastest way to push your business forward!

ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning is a software system which gives great benefit to businesses for making all operations under one roof with integrated and centralized systems. It is an integrated system where all your operations like purchase, sales, accounting, customer service and manufacturing are in a single database with a great user interface. 

Why custom ERP development:

Cost effective: ERP implementation is not economical but while using it in organizations give results to save money. An ERP unifies various systems which are presently fragmented in your organization, i.e. different system for product development, IT support management and supply chain management etc. This integrated system will help the businesses to make cost effective and better business processes and will save money by excluding training of different systems. All the departments undergo only one system training which will save cost and time associated with it. 

Improved collaboration – The functionality and features of an ERP system can differ depending on the system that you are using, however all these systems provide to edit and share data as well as improve safety and access. There is no necessity to merge information across different sources or systems because all the data is stored, shared, gathered and accessed through a single system without the fear of how exact, complete or protected data files are. 

Better reports in less time – An ERP development system can make it easy and quick for your team to create different reports which comprises income and expenditure of the company and customized reports based on trends and metrics. An ERP system has the skill to access all the data rapidly which will aid your team to make reports quickly thus helping them to make conclusions very fast. You would not have to rely on the IT staff to prepare the report as you can easily get it from system itself. 

Improved productivity – Without an ERP development, you or your team have to complete the tasks manually. At times there will be redundancies in the procedure and waste of time in doing the repetitive tasks. An ERP will help to save time resulting in a positive impact on your company’s productivity, efficiency and profitability. 

Happier customers – These days customer service is a significant part of any business as on the digital edge people use the internet to gather information about every product that they want to purchase. The right ERP system can help you to better communicate with your customers at various stages of development. 

Simplified regulatory agreement and risk management – ERP systems have inbuilt auditing tools to support with some documents or reports which can be submitted to significant administration. Besides this, ERP systems generally provide the tools to manage risk.  The ERP system will increase consistency and accuracy of monetary management as there is less error in accounting entries. Moreover forecasting tools are available which aid organizations to decide demand, labor and budget. 

Improved inventory and production managing – If your association is dealing with production development or inventory controlling then you can get advantage from ERP systems. An ERP can be used to increase production planning, shipping and delivery schedule and help to make it easy and simple to improve your efforts instead of guessing about volumes, processes & more. 

Some benefits of using an ERP System:It reduces paper documents in business.

Accuracy in gathering of information and management. 

Customer support with quick response.

Better monitoring on business and fast resolutions on queries. 

Increased payment processing and invoicing control.

ERP system will help to incorporate all other departments and manage it with single database.

1. It reduces paper documents in business.
2. Accuracy in gathering of information and management.
3. Customer support with quick response.
4. Better monitoring on business and fast resolutions on queries.
5. Increased payment processing and invoicing control.
6. ERP system will help to incorporate all other departments and manage it with single database.
7. ERP system with business intelligence tools will give better reporting for business.

How Loyalty Solution increases sales?

A customer loyalty program is a vital reflection for your business. If you are a flourishing business looking to increase your sales, it’s time to start implementing such a program. The benefits are boundless. From improving the buying experience of your consumers to improving your sales, achieving customer performance analytics, and growing your product’s reach, there is a lot you can do with a customer loyalty program.

Loyalty programs helps in improving the customer experience, drive sales and offer valuable data to assist retailers to better understand their clients. Loyalty programs make your customers feel acknowledged and special which further leads to retention, more referrals and profits. Rewarding your customers for their loyalty and repeated engagement with your brand can aid distinguish your brand from other contenders and also make the clients feel valued.

Loyalty solution increases profits, improves sales success and permits for sustainable evolution. A well-designed and well-implemented loyalty programme can help you keep existing customers, attract new ones and drive profits. A great loyalty program that boosts value can quicken the loyalty life cycle.

Benefits of Customer Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs increase salesLoyalty programs unquestionably increase sales and revenue. Loyal customers are more believably to repurchase, refer more and try a new offering. Loyalty solutions are a verified incentive to make customers select you over your opponents and bring them back to the shop regularly. A well-planned and executed loyalty solution has a positive influence on your business and customer loyalty.

Improved customer engagement – It is a very significant aspect that has a direct influence on brand sustainability, especially in the long run. Loyalty program is a great way of increasing client engagement. The consumers are more open to getting emails or other promotion content from brands when they are the members of brands’ loyalty or rewards programs. The program guarantees complete customer engagement and aids in strengthening the connection between brand and its customers.

Impact on brand affinity & loyalty – Regular brand engagement can support to build brand affinity, which is thus strengthened by a loyalty program. Rewards, incentives and gifts help to build a satisfying client experience, which in turns creates brand affinity. A sustained, reliable and profitable customer-brand association helps in boosting brand loyalty to stand out and provides the brand a competitive power.

Improves customer experience – Customer experience is the collective experience a client has with the brand from the pre-sale to post-sale process. Most brands now are trying to craft a wholesome experience for their clients and one of the simplest ways to do that is through a loyalty solution. Possibilities of receiving a reward creates excitement and anticipation and getting the reward considerably increases customer satisfaction, thus creating a positive customer experience.

Increased customer retention – One of the major benefits of a loyalty program is that it has an instant and evident impact on client retention rate. A retained customer is a benefit to any brand, they bring more returns, have more probabilities of becoming brand promoters and represent the product as a genuine brand loyalist.