Dashboards are a powerful and a unique way to present data-based intelligence with data visualization techniques. The significance of a good dashboard design should not be understated, poorly designed dashboards possibly will fail to convey valuable information and insights and also make the data less understandable than it initially was.
A dashboard helps administrators and business leaders to track significant KPIs or metrics and take verdicts based on it. The dashboard design is significant. A dashboard is generally an outline and often a one-pager. It can contain tables or charts or views that are backed by data. The purpose of a dashboard is to offer a well-organized solution for forming and presenting data in a clear and a direct manner. It is a public-facing page where the users can access and evaluate their data. Dashboard design principles-
1-Your dashboard must deliver the significant information in about 5 seconds. Your dashboard must be able to answer your frequently asked business queries at a glance. If you are scanning the information for minutes, this might specify a problem with your dashboard’s visual design. Display the most important and considerable information at the top, followed by the momentous details that assist you to understand the overview; and at the bottom you have background and general information that will cover much more detail and let the viewer or reader to dive deeper.
2– Each dashboard must contain no more than 5-9 visualizations. You can avoid visual chaos by using hierarchies and filters or just by breaking your dashboard in two or more separate dashboards. Selecting the right visualization is the key to ensure your end-users know what they are looking at. When designing a dashboard, you also need to keep in mind who will be the end-user of dashboard in the first place.
3– Another valuable dashboard layout principle is to start with a big picture. The key trend should be noticeable at a glance. After revealing first overview, you can continue with more comprehensive charts. Group the charts by theme with the similar metrics positioned next to each other. This analytics dashboard practice will allow you to display your data in the most meaningful way as well as clear to the end-user.

Great dashboards are clear, intuitive and customizable-
1-They communicate the information quickly.
2-They display information efficiently and clearly.
3-They show trends as well as changes in data over time.
4-They can be easily customizable.
5-The most important widgets and data components are effectually presented in a limited space.
6-All crucial information is instantly accessible.
7-Data is ordered and prioritized.
8-Information is clearly displayed in a visual order on one screen.
9-The design offers a clear overview that comprises sparse and clear initial data with other opportunities to drill down for more.
10-Elements (chart, form, and table) are displayed in a minimalized view with the skill to bring up more facts in a modal window.
11-The design improves usability with filters letting the users to modify how data is shown as well as filters the content using categories, labels, and KPIs.
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