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Product Maintenance & Support Services

Every business is brainstormed with an idea and we keep igniting that ideas to instill innovations in alignment with the accelerating business ecosystem. "Innovative and Ingenious" products are the forte of RAZORSE as we strive to conceptualize and give life to your ideas.

Product Development & Maintenance

RAZORSE provide full-fledged product development and maintenance services with transparency and intellectual thinking. We have a vast poll of domain specialists, technology advisors, and software professionals who work cohesively to understand customers' needs and aspirations while strengthening, conceptualizing, and implementing your business ideas through innovative software products. From product ideation, design, and migration to technical support, problem identification, and product maintenance, we offer a complete range of services at competitive prices within stringent deadlines. In the process, we strive to raise the position of your business in the fast-paced digital era that is constantly evolving with new technologies and new platforms.

Prototyping and MVP Development

Implementing ideas into its best form from paper to a digital format is what prototyping is all about. With innovation at its peak, the development of a minimum viable product is a great way to assess the potential of the product in the market. We provide this with sheer excellence.

Product Architecture Design Services

The functional elements of the product are crucial and the role in which you design and combine the elements of selling and conceptualizing a new product offering is what product architecture is all about. We take immense pride in our designers and Developers.

UI/UX Design Services

User experience and user interface design both hold great importance when it comes to a product. It also acts as a deciding factor for purchase. Our UX and UI designers hold great expertise in performing the best design for your product requirement.

Product Development

From the very concept of a product idea to it finishing through market release, the entire process is called product development. Since there are many stages in this process, we have the expertise in executive each stage in the best of its format.

Product Testing

Before you present your new product as a market offering, the testing of the product is very important to make sure that there are no flaws. Here the properties and performance of the product is measured by various parameters. We make sure to test your product to its maximum efficiency.

Maintenance and Support

In a product there are many a times requirement for managing and creating a suitable environment like troubleshooting or modification and also current maintenance and support. Our team hold expertise in giving bespoke provision of such requirement.

Resource Support

Right management of the product resource is important to support the entire project also resulting in completion at the right time. We make a realistic plan to perfectly fit all the resources for flawless and smooth business operations.


300+ Customers! We handle technology challenges and help companies in their digital transformation.

With an enduring presence in the IT market,we are on a never-ending journey to keep adding new milestones to our bandwagon. Across varied industry verticals, meet our prestigious clients who stand as an epitome to our success.


Explore a bunch of experiences our customers share to express their level of satisfaction from our quality, reliable, and cost-effective IT services. These testimonials speak the language of our trust and credibility.

Ready to build your custom application solution?

Send us your requirements on info@razorse.com or call +91-7011221090